Bottle Enchantments: Protection
California White Sage in a tiny 5ml glass bottle. Magical herbs for you to carry through the day. Keep them in your purse, hang them in your car or living room. Meditate upon them with your intention. Keep magic in your life. Natural 18" imitation leather cord for hanging or necklace
California White Sage in a tiny 5ml glass bottle. Magical herbs for you to carry through the day. Keep them in your purse, hang them in your car or living room. Meditate upon them with your intention. Keep magic in your life. Natural 18" imitation leather cord for hanging or necklace
California White Sage in a tiny 5ml glass bottle. Magical herbs for you to carry through the day. Keep them in your purse, hang them in your car or living room. Meditate upon them with your intention. Keep magic in your life. Natural 18" imitation leather cord for hanging or necklace
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